Yanny or Laurel? Why people hear different words
Yanny or Laurel? The question has taken the internet by storm. (Fidel Martinez / Instagram)

Which do you hear: Yanny or Laurel? Not since the infamous dress of 2015 has the internet been this consumed and divided by a meme.

The debate started Saturday on Reddit when a user going by “RolandCamry” posted an audio clip from Vocabulary.com to the popular social media site. By Monday night, the clip had spread to Twitter thanks in large part to vlogger Cloe Feldman, who tweeted it out to her more than 209,000 followers.

The tweet caught fire, and just about everyone has chimed in. Chrissy Teigen hears “Laurel.”

For Mindy Kaling, it’s “Yanny.”

But why are some people hearing “Yanny” while others hear “Laurel?” The answer can also be found on Twitter, thanks to the many experts who have weighed in.

Suzy Styles, an assistant professor at Singapore’s Nayang Tenchological University…