Avengers 4 won’t hit theaters until May 3, 2019 and while that’s a long time for fans to wait to find out what’s next for the heroes following Thanos’ devastating finger snap, it’s an even longer wait for stars of the Marvel Cinematic Universe film.

No, we don’t mean in terms of actually being a longer amount of time, though arguably the stars have had to sit with their secrets longer since they made the movie. We mean in terms of having to somehow manage to not spoil various elements of the film. While the Marvel Studios goes to great lengths to guard against spoilers, especially when it comes to the two-part Thanos saga, spoilers still manage to get out. After all, Mark Ruffalo really did spoil kind of Infinity War nearly a year before its release by letting slip on Good Morning America that “everybody dies”. Not everyone died, but such a huge swath of heroes – and the rest of the universe – did which makes Ruffalo’s slip a pretty significant spoiler in our book.

With that in mind, we’re taking a look at all of the potential spoilers stars of the upcoming Avengers 4 might have dropped. Everything from possible titles for the still-unnamed film to what characters might make an appearance to who somehow gets out the film alive and more are collected here. While we will have to wait until next May to find out which ones truly were spoilers and which ones ended up being red herrings, for now it’s fun to try to figure out which “leaks” are the biggest — and what that might mean’s in store for Avengers 4.

Read on for which Marvel actors have revealed the biggest spoilers for Avengers 4!


In Avengers: Infinity War, Tony (Robert Downey Jr.) tells Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) about a dream he has in which they have a child together. Now, as Tony is telling Pepper this the pair are still in the planning stages for their wedding, planning that gets interrupted by Thanos’ invasion. Tony heads off to stop the Mad Titan engaged and (in theory) without children.

Yet, Paltrow made an interesting comment in the official Avengers: Infinity War Magazine that may have revealed what’s in store for Tony and Pepper in the sequel.

“Pepper and Tony have had a real long journey together,” Paltrow said. “She obviously starts as his dutiful assistant, and then the relationship evolves, and now this decade later they’re married and they have a child. Their relationship has evolved in all of the ways that great romances evolve.”

If Paltrow was talking about her scenes in Avengers 4, which is entirely possible given the nature of the back-to-back production schedule, it means that we’re looking at a time jump after the events of Avengers: Infinity War — a time jump that may just include a wedding and a baby.

shuri avengers infinity war
(Photo: Marvel Studios, Entertainment Weekly)

In Infinity War, Star-Lord/Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) doesn’t make it to Earth to team up with the Avengers and take on Thanos. That means that he’s not part of the Battle of Wakanda and, therefore, never crosses paths with Shuri (Leticia Wright).

However, at a London Comic Con appearance, Wright was asked who she most enjoyed working with behind-the-scenes of Avengers: Infinity War and her answer caught fan attention.

“Chris Pratt was genuinely a great person,” Wright said. “He would like give me Bible scriptures out of nowhere and then do a dance and leave. He’s great. I love Chris Pratt.”

With their characters having not crossed paths in Infinity War, it’s possible that she’s actually referencing Avengers 4 which could mean that Shuri may have survived Thanos’ balancing of the universe — and that Star-Lord somehow comes back to interact with her. It’s also in line with something Sebastian Stan said, but keep reading. We’ll get to that soon enough.

Drax Invisible Man Avengers Infnity War
Drax Invisible Man Avengers…