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The latest film from Marvel Studios brought together many of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in an effort to take down the Mad Titan known as Thanos, and it provided some interesting team ups along the way. But one group of heroes was almost very different.

While speaking with Yahoo! about Avengers: Infinity War, screenwriters Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus revealed that Anthony Mackie as the Falcon took the place of Spider-Man in an early draft of the film, reuniting the two enemies in the wake of Captain America: Civil War.

“There was one [version] where Spider-Man did not go to space, and where Falcon went to space,” Markus said. “And it was fun, it was interesting, it’s always great to have those guys in various situations and there was a lot to do with them in both situations, but we weren’t getting as much emotion as we could if we brought them back to people who know them.”