Rob Reiner is making a bizarre demand from Trump – because of what Roseanne did
Liberal filmmaker Rob Reiner said Tuesday that President Trump was stoking “evil fires” that encouraged Roseanne Barr to post a racist tweet about a former Obama administration official. (Image Source: YouTube screenshot)

Liberal filmmaker Rob Reiner demanded Tuesday on Twitter and on MSNBC that President Trump come out and applaud ABC for cancelling Roseanne Barr’s show after a racist tweet about a former Obama aide.

Here’s what Reiner said

Reiner on social media said that ABC did “the right thing,” but said that Trump was “stoking” the evil fire that inspired Barr’s tweet. He added that Trump would be continuing to “stoke evil” if he didn’t applaud ABC.

ABC has done the right thing. They’ve stood up against racism. It is our country’s original sin. But this is 2018 and it has no place in the hearts of decent people. Unfortunately our president has stoked these evil fires. If he doesn’t applaud ABC, he will continue to stoke evil

— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) May 29, 2018

“ABC has done the right thing. They’ve stood up against racism,” he…