David Hogg, fresh off his victory over the chicken livered Publix grocery chain, is now calling for a die in at an Trump Hotel. This is something he really needs to think about because although Trump will never have to get involved, the hotel manager is not a Publix manager and will have the police come in and clear them out. It’s a high end hotel and it’s customers won’t be willing to walk through them like Publix customers did and besides, I doubt any of those Publix customers have armed bodyguards. It could get a little bit dicey for the protesters, especially if they decide to attack.

Hogg has had mixed results with his anti-NRA boycott bullying campaigns. He succeeded in getting several companies to drop NRA members benefits but failed when he threatened FedEx’s stock price as FedEx rejected his demand to cancel a NRA member benefit program. Hogg also had mixed results when he led a boycott tantrum of Fox News Channel host Laura Ingraham when she tweeted about his self-proclaimed problems getting admitted to elite California universities. Several advertisers dropped their sponsorship of Ingraham but Fox News stood by Ingraham as did her audience, which…