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The secrets surrounding Marvel Studio’s Avengers: Infinity War are so impenetrably thick that directors the Russo Bros. won’t even reveal the title of Avengers 4, for fear of spoilers. In fact, the Russo’s recently answered one fan’s Avengers 4 inquiry by hinting that the title of the Infinity War sequel is not only spoilery, but will be something that instills real fear in fans.

With that little teaser in mind, fans have been buzzing and speculating about what the Avengers 4 title could be. With Marvel Comics being an obvious source, we’ve come up with 8 great ideas for an Avengers 4 title that will definitely have the impact the Russos sated.


The simplest guess is sometimes the right one – and this is definitely the simplest title for Avengers 4 that Marvel Studios could go with. It would indicate that Thanos is now in possession of the full Infinity Guantlet, and given the dark events of the original Marvel Comics story arc, that title would indicate we’ll see half the universe killed off; most of the MCU heroes who come for the final against Thanos; and even all-powerful cosmic entities like Eternity or The Living Tribunal in a battle for universal survival. It would be the reverse of how the comic storylines went (“Infinity Gauntlet” was followed by “Infinity War”), but it would be in keeping with tradition.

Avengers Infintiy War Header Image
Avengers Infintiy War Header Image

If Marvel doesn’t use the first chapter of the “Infinity Trilogy” for an Avengers 4 title, maybe they’ll use the final chapter’s title? “Infinity Crusade” saw Avengers affected by deep spirituality, magic, or near-death experiences fall under sway of “The Goddess,” who used her Cosmic Egg (made from Cosmic Cubes) to bring benevolence to a chaotic universe. Obviously the MCU version would be different, but given the trippy, time-bending quest storyline we’ve seen teased for Avengers 4, the title might be a great fit.


Hawkeye’s absence from the Avengers: Infinity War promo materials has sparked all kinds of fan backlash and speculation about why Marvel’s archer is being kept under wraps. One popular theory is that Hawkeye’s Infinity War storyline will be a singular quest to obtain the Soul Stone. If that pans out as true, then Hawkeye would conceivably be the sole MCU hero left in the universe if Thanos were to wipe all the rest of them away with the power of the other five Infinity Stones. That would set up a uique story premise for Avengers 4, in which Hawkeye is quite literally the last Avenger in existence. That title would certainly fill fans with the type of fear that the Russos teased,


The “Secret Wars” storyline of the modern era (2015) was actually a sequel to the “Infinity” storyline…