Some Wisconsin students who took their demonstration against gun violence on the road reached their destination Wednesday — House Speaker Paul Ryan’s home turf.

About 50 students set out Sunday from Madison on their “50 Miles More” march. They reached their destination in Janesville and demonstrated in a park for stricter gun laws. Ryan, a Republican who has opposed gun restrictions, is in the Czech Republic on an official visit and was not there when the marchers arrived.

The march came more than a month after a gunman killed 17 students and staff members at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

Bea Windorski said she marched because gun violence “affects every single American, especially the students of America. Enough is enough.”

The students carried signs reading “No more silence! End gun violence” and “Books not bullets,” and they chanted “Hey hey, ho ho, the NRA has got to go.”

One supporter…