Robert Downey Jr. spent time with a terminally ill boy on Saturday, making his dream come true.

robert downey junior meets terminally ill boy

8-year-old Aaron Hunter from West Dunbartonshire, Scotland, has a rare, life-threatening syndrome called ROHHAD (Rapid-onset obesity with hypothalamic dysfunction, hypoventilation, and autonomic dysregulation). The disease affects the autonomic nervous system and causes previously healthy children to gain weight and develop breathing difficulties.

He posted a video online asking for help from his hero, Iron Man.

Please RT and help Aaron reach IronMan #AaronNeedsIronman he has terminal ROHHAD Disease & has special message 4 fav hero @RobertDowneyJr

— ROHHAD Association (@ROHHAD_GLOBAL) January 28, 2017

The video had thousands…