Kim Kardashian Hasn't Ruled Out Running For US President

Recent years have made it quite clear anything is possible in the increasingly topsy-turvy world of global politics – which makes Kim Kardashian’s latest comments about not ruling out a presidential campaign out all the more intriguing.

During an interview with CNN’s The Van Jones Show on Saturday, the reality TV star answered ‘never say never’, when asked about the possibility of running for president.

Kardashian has been in the news lately for her work in helping Alice Johnson to obtain a presidential pardon after spending decades in prison for a first-time drugs offence, even meeting with current President Donald Trump to discuss the issue.

Asked whether she could see herself running for office someday, Kardashian replied: “I don’t really think that’s even on my mind.”

However, once she was reminded that the fact Trump was elected made it more likely for a reality TV star to get into the Oval Office in the future, she said: “I know, that’s why Kanye [West] loves him.”

“It’s the idea…