The seven countries banned by Trump

(CNN)The Supreme Court just handed a huge victory to the Trump administration by upholding its controversial travel ban — which restricts nationals from seven countries from entering the US.

But there have been several versions of the travel ban, along with plenty of confusion. Here’s what the latest travel ban means to citizens of those countries — and some American citizens, too.

This is the third version of the travel ban, issued in September after previous bans bounced around through the courts. The Trump administration says this latest version restricts entry from the following seven countries to varying degrees:

  • Iran
  • North Korea
  • Syria
  • Libya
  • Yemen
  • Somalia
  • Venezuela.

(Chad was originally on the list, but it was recently removed after meeting security requirements.)

Why it’s suspended: Iran “regularly fails to cooperate” with the US in identifying security risks and is the source of significant terrorist threats, the White House said. And the State Department calls Iran a state sponsor of terrorism.

Which Iranians can’t come: Entry is suspended for immigrants and nonimmigrants (those on a temporary visa who aren’t trying to become permanent residents). But there are some exceptions. Those with valid student (F and M) and exchange visitor (J) visas are not suspended, but will have to face enhanced screening.

Why it’s suspended: While…