These solidly designed hot beverage cups aren’t the disposable kind—yet you don’t have to bring them back after leaving the shop, and you won’t need to pay extra for the privilege.

As a means of preventing millions of single-use paper cups from being thrown into a landfill, architect Safia Qureshi created CupClub: a reusable takeaway coffee cup program.

While the eco-friendly concept may sound strange at first, it works sort of like a bike sharing scheme.

The cups are made of sturdy recycled polypropylene. All the consumer has to do is finish their drink, and drop it off at a designated collection area. The cups are then collected, washed, and used again for the next customer. The program is working brilliantly in offices and university campuses, where masses of people work and buy their drinks in the same area.

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The cups can be used up to 132 times before they are recycled once more. Remarkably, the cups only cost about 21 cents each for the retailer, which is a fraction of what single-use cups, lids, and stirrers cost. The cups contain…