A barbecue on the grill, watching fireworks, and waving flags–maybe a parade. Those are the traditional Independence Day activities for most Americans.

If you want to make your annual celebration a little more meaningful, and add some unique fun, remember these few patriotic rituals that can bring to life the history of the day.

My family loves to celebrate our country’s birthday and has followed these traditions every year for a decade now. Check them out and let us know about your own traditions, posting them in a comment below.

Sign Your Own Declaration of Independence

We bought a replica copy of the Declaration document in a museum shop 12 years ago that looked every bit–and felt exactly like–how I would imagine old-fashioned parchments.

Every year, we carefully unfold our Declaration and invite guests to sign it. In between the John Hancock and Thomas Jefferson are James Schneider and his daughter Catherine.

Listen to The Reading of the Declaration

Reading the full five parts of the founding US document, written mostly by Jefferson, takes a bit of commitment and seriousness, but listening to it read by radio professionals is an enjoyable 9-minutes.

2018 will be its 30th year in a row that National Public Radio has aired its annual reading of the Declaration, recorded by twenty-nine of the network’s on-air personalities and reporters. The mood is reverent, with the soft playing of patriot fifes in the background, as Cokie Roberts, Nina Totenberg and their colleagues read aloud.

From the start to the conclusion, the magnificent annual broadcast is nine minutes worth dedicating every year.

“When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands…