The UK’s most endangered butterfly is making a bumper early appearance at a remote British habitat – confounding recent grim figures about its population

The high brown fritillary has been recorded as being ‘out’ slightly earlier than usual, and early counts suggest their numbers are on the rise, due to good weather conditions.

Matthew Oates, one the UK’s leading butterfly experts and a volunteer for the National Trust, has been in the Heddon Valley in north Devon taking part in an annual count of this rare butterfly along with the help of other volunteers.

“The butterfly seems to be having a very good year with more than 200 seen during the count,” he said. “Ideal weather conditions; a cold and harsh winter which has helped knock back the bracken and then a warm and sunny May and June have been ideal for caterpillar development.

“As we are having some fairly dry weather, it’s now the perfect time for seeing…