Editor Lucy Purdy introduces the new issue of Positive News magazine, which includes a candid interview with Russell Brand about addiction. It also features an interview with a terrorism survivor, portraits of young conservationists, and a look at the case for optimism in the face of climate change

Addiction is a sliding scale, says Russell Brand, and we’re all on it. When we’re unable to experience “connection” within or outside of ourselves, we grasp at things that make us feel good, he believes. Does this matter? Perhaps our deeper drives still aren’t talked about enough in the public conversation. Brand sets the example – he knows his famous ego can wreak havoc, but his willingness to be vulnerable warrants respect.

Meanwhile, after surviving a horrific terrorist attack, Bjorn Ihler’s response wasn’t resignation or revenge, but curiosity and compassion. What would make a human being decide to kill? In an interview in the new issue of Positive News magazine, he explains why he chose to see the terrorist who attacked him as a fellow human being, and to try to understand what drove his actions.

The magazine and movement that’s changing the news for good.

And with sexual harassment having recently risen (long overdue) to the forefront of public conversation, there is also a need to ask uncomfortable questions here. In the latest issue of Positive News magazine, Jamie Catto argues…