On this day 235 years ago, the first public hot air balloon flight demonstration took flight. It lasted ten minutes over Annonay, France, and was presented by the Montgolfière brothers, inventors of the globe airostatique. (1783)

MORE Good News on this Day in History:

  • Massachusetts became the first state of the United States to set a minimum wage (1912)
  • The 19th Amendment to the Constitution, giving women the right to vote, was passed by the United States Congress (1919)
  • To rally the morale of his country following the evacuation of 338,000 troops from France, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill delivered his famous 12-minute “We shall fight on the beaches” speech (1940)
  • In the first free elections held in Poland, the Solidarity movement won in a shocking landslide–160 out of 161 seats–a major surprise to the Communists and the new trade union, which never expected to win more than 20 seats (1989)
  • Li Na won the French Open’s women’s championship, becoming…